0 adults

Promo Codes

The Skinny on Hy-Line Promotion Codes

Any Hy-Line Promotion codes found on 3rd party sites are false. Sites like these (e.g. Knoji, PRMDeal, HotDeal, CouponDeal, DealCove, etc.) are not affiliated with Hy-Line Cruises in any way. Sites like this tempt you to click “get promotion code” so they can track your behavior online and serve you up online ads (Isn’t everyone sick of that by now?). We highly recommend that you not visit sites like this and definitely not click on links. It is not safe or secure internet practice.

Many discounts are available for our services using a unique promotion code. We use this code to track where you find out about us. You may find Hy-Line promotion codes in print, listening to a radio ad, online banner ads, and even email marketing. These codes consist of characters that you submit online or mention on the phone or our ticket booth.

Redeem a Hy-Line promotion code online, by phone, or at the ticket office unless otherwise noted. In some rare cases, we have limited the redemption process for marketing purposes and in those cases, it is noted.

Hy-Line Island Ferry promotion codes do not discount embarkation fees.

Occasionally, we work with some daily deal sites such as Cape Cod Daily Deal. Purchases made through a company like this come with a code to use for you to make your purchase. Each company has specific instructions for redemption, so please read the fine print.
